4 Whips Forward Air With 1/8 Connector
*** Whips come in 12" or 20" long ***
Flexible but still strong enough whips that will get the job done!
Works best for the main duct trunk.
*** Forward Air = Pushes air away from the technician ***
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4 Flexible Air Duct Cleaning Whips Forward Air
- Product Code: 4Whip1/8
4 Whips Forward Air With 1/8 Connector
*** Whips come in 12" or 20" long ***
Flexible but still strong enough whips that will get the job done!
Works best for the main duct trunk.
*** Forward Air = Pushes air away from the technician ***
- Product Code: 4Whip1/8
- Availability: In Stock
CA$44.50 -14%Tags: 4 Whips whip Forward Air 20" long 20 inch 1/8 Connector 1/8 duct cleaning whip duct cleaning whips air vent cleaning whips air vent tools duct cleaning tools duct cleaning whip duct cleaning whips air vent whips air vent whip Forward Air 12" long 12 inch